Friday 8 May 2015

Welcome to Woman Am I

After recently spending some time with a group of my fabulous 40 something girl friends, a startling realisation came upon me. Well past the small talk and obligatory enquiries about applicable partners, children, jobs and pets we got down to the business. And then, somewhere into our second cappuccino it began. The micro examination of our lives.

For each of us the topics were different. Wrong Husband. Cellulite. No Husband. Baby. Or not to baby. Sex. Career. Time – or lack of it. Thighs. Grey hair. Diets. Work colleges and on, and on, and on.

And this is what we do. All of us. Me included. And if you are genuinely the one person out there who lives in a completely accepting and fulfilled life, then I am truly in awe.

For the rest of us, sometimes there are answers to these questions, sometimes not. But at least now we can feel better knowing we’re not alone, and perhaps have a few laughs along the way.

This site is dedicated to sharing our stories. Shouting out to the world and having a voice. More importantly, knowing that we're not alone.

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